Even though he’s being let completely off the hook by the Department of Justice, disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe still fears President Trump and worries that the president will continue “lying” about him.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be free of this President and his maniacal rage that he’s directed towards me and my wife since October of 2016 for absolutely no reason whatsoever,” he kvetched Friday afternoon on CNN after the DOJ’s announcement.
“The president has been lying about us and defaming me and my family consistently for years now. So do I think that’ll stop because of the DOJ’s decision today? No. I have no illusion that that will ever stop.”
“He’s made it pretty clear in the way he’s conducted himself in the last week that he’s high and mighty on the tour of retaliation against everyone who had anything to do with his impeachment inquiry. So he’s a vindictive guy, and I fully expect that he’ll continue to hound me and my family.”
But the actual liar, as noted many times before, is and has always been McCabe, who was justifiably terminated from his post by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March 2018 as per the findings of a then-unreleased report from Department of Justice Inspect General Michael Horowitz.
The BPR said that the report revealed that McCabe had given information to The Wall Street Journal about an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation just days before the 2016 presidential election. The report also revealed that when questioned about the leak, he’d then lied about it.
“The inspector general concluded in a report released last week that Mr. McCabe had lacked candor in separate conversations with Federal Bureau of Investigation inspection agents, the inspector general’s office and then-FBI Director James Comey about information provided in October 2016 to a Wall Street Journal reporter,” the WSJ itself reported at the time.
Because of this undisputed lack of candor, he was referred for possible criminal prosecution.
Two years later, the DOJ has dropped the case against this veritable “swamp creature,” though its decision — which parallels its previous decisions to drop cases against other “swamp creatures” such as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and disgraced FBI Director James Comey — doesn’t suddenly make McCabe innocent.
The disgraced former FBI deputy director’s claim though that the president has been lying about him is itself another lie.