Former NFL player Jack Brewer is praising President Trump and his efforts made for Black Americans.
On Friday, Jack Brewer appeared on Fox News and told the hosts that 91% of the 3,100 men released from prison last Friday due to do the “First Step Act,” are Black Americans.
Speaking of his recent meeting with the president, the former NFL player said that he was able to “give President Trump credit” for accomplishments made for Black Americans.
Although he doesn’t “always agree with how [Trump] says things,” Jack Brewer said, “Actions speak louder than words.”
“The stats didn’t see up there is billions of dollars are going into black communities right now because of opportunity zones with Ben Carson and President Trump. Not just that, but you look at over 3.5 million African Americans are off food stamps and now working. […] That’s where we need to get to as the black community and I could go on and on with these policies. I mean you, talk about historical black colleges, right? Blacks need educations, especially the former slave population in America. We don’t talk about this enough, but the former slave population in America is the poorest, the sickest and the most uneducated group of people in America, but what do we want to talk about? Liberal politicians want to talk about border crisis and letting more illegal immigrants come in here — we have a former slave population that is still hurting and suffering, and it’s just not right, it’s not okay.” He said.
“We got to take a step back as people, come together as Americans because we are Americans first,” he added.
When asked how Preident Trump can reach more Black Americans with his message — as the President’s support is currently at 22% according to a recent Fox News poll — Jack Brewer responded, “Honestly, I think there’s enough people of color that will get it.”
Under Trump’s administration, unemployment among Black Americans, Hispanic and Asian Americans reached the lowest rate recorded.
Jack Brewer, a conservative, met with President Trump over the weekend at the Bedminster Golf Course to discuss “black America,” the former NFL player told ABC News.
The former NFL player stated that his goal was the “calm this wave” between tensions in the Black community and the president. “It felt good hearing his passion,” Brewer said.