Convicted bank robber who turned his life around, Jon Ponder, teared up as President Trump pardoned him during the RNC. “So now I’d like to invite Jon’s wife, Jamie, to join us as I grant John a full pardon,” President Trump said.
“So I don’t know if you know that, Jamie. Come on over here. You have done incredible work,” Trump added.
The President then explained as he prepared the formal pardon “Since being released from prison on a bank robbery conviction, Ponder has worked to help other former prisoners in the Las Vegas area to successfully reintegrate into American society.”
“Two years ago I was honored to tell Jon Ponder’s story in the Rose Garden on the National Day of Prayer.” Trump said.
“Today I’m thrilled to welcome him back to the White House. Jon’s life is a beautiful testament to the power of redemption.”
Trump continued “Jon dedicated his life to Christ. He spent the rest of his time in prison studying the Bible.” In the last 10 years since Jon was released, he’s created one of the most successful reentry programs, Hope for Prisoners, in Las Vegas. I was glad to speak there earlier this year.”
“Jon, we honor your devotion to showing returning citizens that they are not forgotten. We believe that each person is made by God for a purpose. I will continue to give all Americans including former inmates the best chance to build a new life and achieve their own American Dream. My hope for America is that former incarcerated people will be afforded the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that we live in a nation of second chances.” Trump concluded.
An emotional Ponder responded “My hope for America is that law enforcement and people in the communities across our country can come together and realize that, as Americans, we have more in common then we have differences,” Ponder said in response.