The Alabama Republican party had an interesting Saturday night and Rep. Ilhan Omar will not be pleased with how it went down.
The Alabama GOP passed a resolution demanding that Alabama’s congressional delegation takes action to get Rep. Ilhan Omar expelled from Congress.
State Rep. Tommy Hanes (R-Bryant) introduced the resolution and said during the meeting:
“It’s just simply asking this body to ask the U.S. delegation, the Alabama delegation in Washington, D.C. to start proceedings to unseat Ilhan Omar, congresswoman from Minnesota.”
“This woman is continuously spewing anti-American rhetoric, anti-Semitism. She is un-American. She came from a war-torn country in Somalia to seek protection under Lady Liberty’s hand.”
“Folks, she constantly talks about the U.S. military – I put the U.S. military here,” he said raising his arms.
“If it weren’t for the U.S. military, we wouldn’t be here today. I put them here, and she continuously talks down on our veterans. Folks, she continuously talks about one of our most faithful and loyal allies, which is Israel.”
“Let Alabama be first and let’s see how many other states follow,” Rep. Tommy Hanes added.
“I would just like to say the lady is guilty of sedition – and we need to kick her a** out,” an unidentified member of the state executive committee stated.
The Jackson County Republican also claimed that he expected to have a lot of allies in pushing for this measure.
“Most conservative Republicans – I think you’ll find that most of them feel the same way we do about it,” Hanes said. “And what I mean is the way I feel about it and the way the Young Republicans here in Jackson County feel about it. I just can’t see them not passing it.”