It was obvious that there would be fallout from the Brett Kavanaugh smear job on top of certain Democrats and media outlets losing all credibility.
We figured the lawsuits would be flying after many people were indiscriminately smeared by a foaming at the mouth media trying to derail Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
Just to be fair, not everyone tried to sink Kavanaugh for political or personal reasons, some just wanted a big story.
But no matter why they pursued this reckless angle, after getting enough leaks from the Dems to basically allege anything, they will have to deal with the consequences.
“Defendants had no sources to support their outrageously false and defamatory statements about Derrick Evans and Douglas Kennedy. Nor did Defendants make any effort whatsoever to contact Mr. Evans for comment before accusing him of not only of committing a crime, but of being responsible for the death of David Kennedy,” the lawsuit says.
“Indeed, if Ms. Feinberg or her HuffPost editors had done even the most basic research of publicly available sources, she and they would have known, if they did not already know, that Mr. Evans actively assisted law enforcement in identifying and prosecuting the individuals who actually sold the illegal narcotics.”
“In HuffPost and Feinberg’s zeal to embellish a salacious article about Justice Kavanaugh’s years at Georgetown Prep and to capitalize upon the controversy surrounding his confirmation hearing and thereby drive traffic to its website, they fabricated the false claim that Douglas Kennedy and Derrick Evans ‘helped score’ the illegal narcotics that killed Douglas’s older brother David in April 1984,” the complaint reads.
The plaintiff is Derrick Evans, a teacher and civil rights activist who was a contemporary of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep. Both Feinberg and HuffPost are named as defendants, The Daily Caller reported.
Feinberg connected Evans and David’s younger brother, Douglas — both Prep students — to David’s death, claiming that they procured cocaine for his fatal concoction. Party drugs like cocaine circulated widely, the article said, particularly at “notorious” Prep parties at the Kennedy Hickory Hill estate in nearby McLean, Virginia.
“In describing the culture of the school in those days, the former student pointed to the April 1984 overdose of 28-year-old David Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy, who’d injected drugs into his groin, apparently to hide the needle marks. (Cocaine, Demerol, and Mellaril were found in his system,)” Feinberg wrote. “The former student spoke of Kennedy’s death as the end of the school’s free-for-all party scene and the catalyst for changes in Georgetown Prep culture.”
“Two Prep students — David’s brother Doug and his friend Derrick Evans — had helped David Kennedy score the coke,” Feinberg added.
One day after publication, a Kennedy representative contacted HuffPost and denied Feinberg’s account of David’s death. The representative urged HuffPost to remove the story from their website. That day, the company appended a correction to the story, saying Evans helped purchase cocaine for David without Douglas’s involvement. The correction cites an affidavit obtained by The New York Times as the basis for the revision.
The original story and the correction that followed are “knowingly, recklessly and outrageously false,” says Evans’s lawsuit. The complaint denies that Evans played any role in “scoring” cocaine for Kennedy, and says Feinberg’s initial portrayal of events is “fabricated.”