Conservative personality Candace Owens launched a Twitter attack against Colin Kaepernick on Friday, stating that the racial justice campaigner and former NFL quarterback is trying to “rig the system” to enrich himself.
Candace Owens, the founder of the Blexit movement calling on black Americans to abandon the Democratic Party, posted the tweet days after Nike announced they were abandoning a sneaker featuring the Betsy Ross flag.
The 4th of July celebratory sneaker was discarded by the shoemaker after Coiln Kaepernick, who represents Nike, claimed that the flag was offensive.
Nike’s decision ignited a social and political storm, with conservatives blasting Kaepernick and Nike as another example of political correctness treading over the nation’s history.
Candace Owens also weighed in on the debate, going after both Coiln Kaepernick and civil rights activist Shaun King.
“I love how @shaunking who is white and @Kaepernick7 who is half-white, have raked in millions by continually telling black people that they are less than white people,” Candace Owens wrote on Friday.
“Two white men claiming the system is rigged for whites, as they rig the system to enrich themselves is funny,” she concluded.
Many other conservatives were also outraged by the sportswear giant’s decision, including Republican governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, who stated that he was ordering the Arizona Commerce Authority to withdraw incentives for Nike to build a manufacturing plant in the state.
Republican Senator from Texas Ted Cruz also slammed Coiln Kaepernick with a simple but important history lesson, after the former quarterback tweeted out a quote from Frederick Douglas.
“You quote a mighty and historic speech by the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass, but, without context, many modern readers will misunderstand,” the Texas Senator wrote at the start of his thread about Douglass.