Blexit founder Candace Owens reaffirmed her support for President Trump going into the 2020 elections and also urge her fellow black Americans to stop reacting emotionally to the news or, rather, the “fake news” on TV.
“If black Americans do not learn to stop reacting emotionally, we will never break the mental chains that the liberals have placed upon us,” she wrote. “I am voting for Trump in 2020. There isn’t a documentary, athlete, or hip-hop artist that can change my mind. Demand policy, not culture.”
While Candace Owens clearly aimed her message at her supporters in the black community, it’s a message that needs to be heard by everybody in America, be they white, black, Asian, Hispanic, etc.
Many Americans, the left particular, have a tendency to react to events and news with the emotional immaturity of a child instead of with the reason and calm of an adult.
Reason and logic are already in short supply in America, all thanks to a “progressive” ideology that favors victim-hood and childish petulance over strength and stoicism.
This growing inability to think critically and rationally is very problematic because of the false narratives that the mainstream media routinely disseminate. Take the child separation scam. Thanks to the media’s lies, Lord knows how many childishly naive Americans came to believe that President Trump was purposefully and maliciously mistreating illegal alien children for the thrills of it.
In a follow-up tweet posted Saturday evening, Candace pointed out how the Dems “have trained” blacks in particular into believing that donning the cloak will spur their success. But as she rightly pointed out, “Emotion and anger is an express lane to failure.”
The truth is though that many Americans of all stripes have been “trained” into donning the cloak of victim-hood, including but not limited to gays, Muslims, women and even children. Word of advice for them: Don’t be a victim, and don’t act like a child. Instead, think critically, ask tough questions and never fall for the banana in the tailpipe.