CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin came clean yesterday and gave the Dems the bad news. He told the liberal network’s audience, who is praying for a miracle that somehow Adam Schiff could convince 20 Republican Senators to remove President Trump from office, that their dreams are dead.
He point-blank told them that President Trump is winning the impeachment battle and pointed out why is not wrong.
“There was information put forth today that would allow Republicans to vote against witnesses and to vote for an acquittal,” acknowledged Toobin, offering as an example that the team did a good job at creating doubt over when the Ukrainians knew the foreign aid was cut off. However, “after that I thought it deteriorated.”
“I was surprised that Jay Sekulow, who I think is a very fine lawyer, seen him argue in the Supreme Court several times, wandered in the wasteland of the Mueller report, that didn’t seem relevant,” said Toobin.
“Mr. Philbin, who is not a spellbinding performer, went on about how it was legitimate in their view not to respond to subpoenas, not to provide any witnesses by the Trump administration. I thought that was a particularly weak performance. But, you know, if you are inclined to the defense point of view, there were facts and arguments to justify your position this morning.”
“Again, I just think the Republicans are winning here. The president is winning here. And as long as they don’t completely fall on their faces, which they’re all competent lawyers, they’re not going to do that, I think that’s fine for them,” Toobin admitted.
“They did make one good point about [the transcript, I thought, which was the president did about burden-sharing in that phone call, and the House managers didn’t focus on that or even mention it.”
“And fair is fair,” he said to devastating effect.
“He has talked about it before, and that was, I thought, a very legitimate good point made by the defense,” he concluded.