Colin Kaepernick continues to disgrace. This time for blasting the greatest, most generous nation on earth for certain sins of the past.
The world was a different place back then and only a true fool compares apples to oranges and takes a moral stance on the outcome. The facts are that America, with all her flaws, is still the most generous nation in history, one who fights for freedom and individual rights on a global scale.
We, through sheer force of will, have made the world a better place and only goons like Kaepernick, who by the way has become wealthy beyond belief in our system, can’t see it.
Breitbart reported that Colin Kaepernick celebrated “Unthanksgiving Day” by trashing the “US government” for having “stolen” over a “billion acres” from indigenous people, during an annual ceremony held in San Francisco, California, Thursday.
“The US government has stolen over 1.5 billion acres of land from Indigenous people. Thank you to my Indigenous family, I’m with you today and always,” the former 49ers quarterback wrote in a tweet.
“It’s been 50 years since the occupation,” he said during remarks given at the event, “And that struggle has continued for that 50 years.”
“Before that 50 years, it will continue from this point. It’s our responsibility to honor our ancestors and honor our elders by carrying on that struggle. Don’t let their sacrifices be in vain,” Kaepernick continued.
“That’s why it’s important for all of us to be here today, to show that we’re together, that we’re unified, that we have that solidarity. And I hope to spend many more of these with you.”