Dem. Georgia Rep. Vernon Jones invoked George Floyd’s death while claiming that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and other Democrats have only hurt black Americans.
Jones, who declared his support for President Trump earlier this year, ordered the Dems to let black Americans breathe politically.
“Liberal Democrats like Joe Biden have been standing on the shoulders of Black voters over 50 years with their knees on their necks,” he tweeted Saturday. “Let them breath!”
Jones received strong criticism from colleagues after endorsing President Trump, with one calling him an “embarrassment.”
The Washington Examiner also reported that he initially resigned from office following the pushback but reversed course and has stuck with the president “because it was morally right.”
His Saturday message was followed by other tweets claiming that the Dems use black Americans and take their “votes for granted.”
“I’ve seen more Democrats attack me for my decision to endorse @realDonaldTrump than ask me why,” he tweeted in April. “They’ve used and abused folks in my community for far too long, taking our votes for granted. Black Americans are waking up. An uprising is near.”
He added in a follow-up tweet the next day, “The Left hates me because they can’t control me. They can stay mad.”