Housing Secretary Ben Carson defended the President against charges that he is a racist, saying that President Trump fought for the rights of minorities in clubs near his home.
“You know, people say he’s a racist, he is not a racist,” Carson said. “When he bought Mar-a-Lago, he was the one who fought for Jews and blacks to be included in the clubs that were trying to exclude them.”
Speaking at a community college event in Charlotte, North Carolina, Dr. Carson suggested that President Trump gets along with minorities who work for him.
“You know, talking to the people who drive the cars and park the cars at Mar-a-Lago, they love him — the people who wash the dishes, because he’s kind and compassionate,” Dr. Carson said.
Trump “reminds me so much of my mother,” said Carson, who is black. “He recognizes that if you get an education, you write your own ticket.” Trump is “a man deeply driven by a sense of kindness and compassion,” Carson said.
Dr. Carson spoke as he opened for the president at an event promoting the administration’s opportunity zone programs, designed to stimulate investment and growth in under-served areas.
President Trump has long incurred charges of racism. Back in August, Dem 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said that his supporters are “at best looking the other way on racism,” a sentiment he doubled down on over the weekend.
North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis, who is up for reelection this year, was in attendance. Tillis, President Trump said, is “a great friend except for a couple of minor disagreements,” joking, “Of course, I won’t put up with it for long, Thom Tillis.”