Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel defended President Trump as the “anti-fear monger in chief” for his handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
Dr. Siegel concurred with the director of the Centers for Disease Control who told Congress that threat of contracting the virus in the U.S. is low, telling Fox Business Network that this is the “message” that needs to be getting out to the American people.
“Currently, that is absolutely correct,” Dr. Siegel told Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett who was guest hosting on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” Thursday.
Dr. Siegel’s reality-check flew in the face of what conservative activist Candace Owens called a “Doomsday Cult” on the left which raises the alarm every time President Trump makes a move and has been working in over-drive since the coronavirus hit the news.
Siegel called out the Dems for “not working with the president” on handling the coronavirus threat and preventing major outbreaks in our country.
“They’re looking for every angle on trying to criticize him. He’s trying to be the anti-fear monger in chief which is what he’s supposed to be doing,” Siegel added.
He also noted that, despite escalating numbers of cases in other countries, the flu-like virus has “not taken traction here in the United States yet, it is not spreading among communities, it is not spreading rapidly from person to person.”
Despite the alarms raised by the Dems who have been openly accusing Trump’s administration of mishandling the emergency response, Dr. Siegel reiterated there is no need to panic.
“I interviewed almost every member of that task force the president put together and is getting no credit for it,” he said. “This an incredibly competent task force with a lot of experience with emerging contagions and they are quite right to say the risk to Americans is low.”
Siegel addressed the rise in purchases of surgical masks as people react to the reports of an impending crisis.
“You know what happens if you wear a mask unnecessarily on the street? You are sending a message coronavirus is coming down the street when it’s not there,” he told Jarrett who advised people should not be “driven by the mass hysteria being driven in large part by the media and Trump’s political opponents.”
“Right now it’s not a problem in the United States. We are vigilant. We are concerned, and we are watching other areas of the world,” Siegel said. “And I think this task force deserves congratulations for how they are going about it.”
Siegel also praised President Trump’s decision to place VP Mike Pence in charge of the White House response to the virus outbreak, saying the president was “not going to saber rattle over this. I think it’s a wise choice.”