On Saturday, first lady Melania Trump announced the redesign of the White House Rose Garden.
She tweeted “Excited to honor history & celebrate the future in our beautiful @WhiteHouse Rose Garden this evening.”
The first lady added “Thank you to all who helped renew this iconic & truly gorgeous space.”
Melania is set to deliver her RNC speech Tuesday from the newly designed garden.
However, her redesign was quicklytrashed by critics of the President, who accused the first lady of ruining the garden.
“You ruined Jackie Kennedy’s Rose Garden!” Said a post on Twitter.
“The Rose Garden now looks like a cemetery, which perhaps is actually appropriate given what your husband has done to our country.”

“Melania modeled the Rose Garden after the Trump family. Cold and empty.”

“It is a destruction of our history, something no other First Lady would have had the gall to do. This is the first time I have been furious that @FLOTUS is a foreigner. She has no right to wreck our history.”
Here is a video of the redesigned Rose Garden. You can judge for yourself if her critics are actually criticizing her work, or if they are really just dead-set on criticizing anything connected to her husband, President Trump.