House Freedom Caucus members are demanding that Adam Schiff remove himself from the Democrat’s impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.
Republican Reps Mark Meadows, Andrew Biggs, and Louie Gohmert were among the people calling for Adam Schiff’s ousting with a formal resolution letter, on the grounds that he is a “potential fact witness” to the whistle-blower complaint.
House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff raised red flags after the impeachment circus got underway. Schiff contradicted his own testimony that he had no contact with the whistle-blower prior to the complaint going public.
Talk of a possible felony began to surface when information suggested that the so-called whistle-blower never disclosed having contact with Adam Schiff or his committee prior to filing the complaint.
“For over two years, Schiff misled the American people with his numerous attempts to manufacture evidence of collusion between Donald Trump and the Russian government,” said a joint statement by Freedom Caucus members.
“Once that fairy tale evaporated, Mr. Schiff quickly moved on to his next hoax: a non-existent quid pro quo between President Trump and the President of Ukraine.”
“This time, just like the Russian hoax, Mr. Schiff has been caught manipulating facts leading to baseless accusations against the President. Mr. Schiff is hardly an unbiased arbiter of this unauthorized impeachment process, and we call for his immediate recusal.”
On Thursday, Former Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows spoke with Fox News about Schiff and the impeachment inquiry.
“The longer this goes on, the more we realize that there was coordination on behalf of this confidential informant with Democrats,” Meadows said of the whistleblower.
“Listen, chairman Schiff is not a neutral arbiter, ” Mark Meadows said. He also slammed Adam Schiff for lying about what was in the transcript between President Trump and Ukraine President Zelesnky.
Meadows continued to blast Schiff for the extremely shady way he released closed-door testimony from key witness US special envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker.
“This is all about politics,” he said. “This is all about Adam Schiff trying to make sure Donald Trump doesn’t get elected.”
When host Bill Hemmer said there is no way Nancy Pelosi with pull Adam Schiff off the inquiry, Meadows responded by saying that’s because she’s just as partisan.
“Here’s what we could do … she could change the jurisdiction to where it should be. She could have a vote on the House floor.” Meadows challenged.
So far, the Dems have been reluctant to take any meaningful action on impeachment other than performing a slanderous dog-and-pony show. Nothing has actually moved, in the legal sense, toward impeachment since Nancy Pelosi has refused to put House members’ feet to the fire with a vote.
Trump’s administration launched a scathing eight-page letter to Nancy Pelosi, stating they won’t be responding to subpoenas issued over the impeachment.
In part, the letter read: “You have designed and implemented your inquiry in a manner that violates fundamental fairness and constitutionally mandated due process.”
“For example, you have denied the President the right to cross-examine witnesses, to call witnesses, to receive transcripts of testimony, to have access to evidence, to have counsel present, and many other basic rights guaranteed to all Americans.”
“You have conducted your proceedings in secret…”
A spokeswoman for Schiff responded to the call for his removal with a statement to The Hill.
“Schiff is focused on the impeachment inquiry and considers the resolution part of a broader effort coordinated by the White House to distract from the growing body of evidence of the president’s serious misconduct,” the spokeswoman said.