In a interview with the Washington Examiner, Rep. Matt Gaetz suggested Republicans vote out Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski if they follow through on siding with Democrats on not voting for a replacement for Justice Ginsburg until after the election.
“If Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are going to withhold their vote for the president’s nominee, then Republicans in those states should withhold their votes from them,” Gaetz said.
“What good are Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski if we can’t count on them to fulfill their obligation to advise and consent during the term in which they’ve been elected,” he added.
Gaetz also put pressure on Senate Majority Mitch McConnell to deliver on his promises, stating “The court is his legacy. So if the court is McConnell’s legacy, he sure as hell better deliver on the president’s nominee.”
Monday evening, Senator Lindsey Graham said “We’ve got the votes to confirm” Justice Ginsburg’s replacement before the election “and that’s what’s coming.”
Senator Chuck Grassley and Cory Gardner have now also said they would not oppose moving forward to fill the vacancy this year.
Senator Mitt Romney, one of the last hopes for the Democrats on stalling the filling of Ginsburg’s vacancy until next year, also announced he will move forward with Trump’s nominee