On Thursday night, the Democrats reacted to President DOnald Trump’s RNC Speech with anger and disgust, trashing the President in avery way they can.
“Get off our lawn” tweeted Senator Amy Klobuchar.
Pete Buttigieg wrote “The words “law and order” do not belong on the lips of a president whose orbit accounts for a record number of indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions.”
Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano claimed “Suburban moms are terrified of Trump.”
“They are afraid of:
-their parents social security being taken away
-dying of covid
-their bodily autonomy being stripped from them
-their children dying in school
-losing their homes
-being in debt,” Milano listed.
Claire McCaskill tweeted “My blood is boiling over political banners at the White House. Awful. Just awful.”
Ilhan Omar wrote “Many of Trump’s associates have been convicted of felonies, his supporters have killed people, incited terror and inspired militias. He isn’t for abiding the law or respecting order.”
“He is for power and control, just like the dictators he loves to praise,” Rep. Omar added.