Former Speaker of the House Rep. Newt Gingrich backed up President Trump’s claim that the probe into his 2016 presidential campaign was a “set-up” and that former President Barack Obama knew all about it.
Gingrich appeared in an interview on “Fox & Friends” Monday morning, and defended President Trump’s claims, stating that “this whole episode” was “close to insane” and it was unlikely that Ex-President Obama didn’t know about the tarmac meeting between former AG Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton “the week that the FBI [was] going to interview his wife for potential felony charges.”
The former House Speaker also pointed out that Ex-President Obama “is a really smart guy” but that he was also “sort of a control freak,” and that it was “virtually impossible” that he “didn’t know about” the FISA warrant used to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.
“Now, Barack Obama is a really smart guy. He was also sort of a control freak. You think the FBI said ‘oh we’re going to go get a FISA warrant — a foreign intelligence warrant — in order to investigate an American presidential campaign,’ and nobody thought to mention [it] to the incumbent president? […]
“Obama’s really, really smart and I think it’s very unlikely, virtually impossible, that all this stuff went on and he wasn’t in some way informed.” He said.
Gingrich’s comments came after President Trump proclaimed that he believed Obama knew about the investigation into his 2016 presidential campaign.
As previously reported, the President recently asserted in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopolous that the investigation into the alleged conspiracy between his presidential campaign and Russia to win the White House was a “set-up” that Obama “certainly” knew about.
“There was no crime. There’s no collusion. It was a setup, in my opinion,” said President Trump. “And I think it’s going to come out. I hope it’s going to come out — we’re going to find out very soon.”