On Sunday, Ex New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani claimed that the city’s current mayor, Bill de Blasio, is responsible for the recent spate of anti-Semitic attacks.
Rudy Giuliani tweeted that “the rise in anti-Semitic violence in NYC is something that could have been stopped at a much earlier stage if the City had a Mayor who embraced the Broken Windows Theory,” or at least, “a Mayor who worked full time & paid attention to what was going on.”
The Broken Windows Theory posits that crime begets crime if the effects of criminal behavior — like broken windows, de palpitated buildings and graffiti — are not repaired or cleaned up.
Put differently, it’s the belief that minor crimes and general civil disorder can create further crimes, sometimes more serious, as The Daily Caller reported.
Giuliani, who is President Trump’s personal attorney, was responding to the latest in a series of anti-Semitic attacks in New York. On Saturday, an assailant stabbed 5 people in a rabbi’s home. Other ugly incidents have marred the city’s celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas.
Mayor De Blasio suggested “Washington” was to blame for the anti-Semitism.
“I also want us to be clear what’s happening here,” de Blasio said Sunday. “An atmosphere of hate has been developing in this country over the last few years. A lot of it is emanating from Washington, and it’s having an effect on all of us.”
In a follow-up to his previous tweet, Rudy Giuliani went further and said that de Blasio “has watched anti-semitism rapidly metastasize, like a cancer, & is too unconcerned or lazy to nip it in the bud.”
“A coward in that he has yet to condemn anti-semities in his own party who support BDS & similar movements, who’s main objective is to destroy the Jewish Homeland,” Giuliani added.
Last May, Bill de Blasio blamed President Trump and “white supremacy” for a series of assaults against Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn perpetrated by black men.
On Monday, de Blasio suggested Giuliani was “exploiting a tragedy” and “can take a seat today.”