on Friday, Rep. Adam Schiff’s GOP challenger accused the Democrat of ignoring the homelessness crisis in his California district.
“He’s done nothing, or virtually nothing, for our district,” Eric Early, who announced his candidacy to represent California’s 28th Congressional District in July, told Fox News. “Certainly not a darn thing for homelessness.”
“It’s a mess out here, it’s terrible,” he added.
Early, a LA attorney, made his remarks about Adam Schiff while walking through parts of Echo Park and Hollywood, meeting with homeless people and listening to their stories about their situations.
Schiff’s team responded to the criticism by linking Early to President Trump.
“These attacks from Eric Early, who is from out of the district and knows little of our community, are characteristic of someone who once described himself as Trump’s biggest supporter in California,” the Schiff campaign said. “They may please Trump, but do not impress our constituents.”
Adam Schiff is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and has been a vocal critic of President Trump. He was lead impeachment manager in the Ukraine-related trial against President Trump that ended in acquittal this month.
Early argued that voters will gravitate to his campaign because he is willing to take a firm stand on battling homelessness.
“We need somebody strong enough to fight and say we are going to forcibly move these people off the streets if they don’t come voluntarily,” he said. “That may not look quote-unquote compassionate, but I believe it’s much more compassionate than leaving these folks out here to die.”