House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just got called out after she was trashing the President on the House floor in a breach of decorum.
The House has some weird rules and Rep. Doug Collins just used them to trap Nancy Pelosi and delay her resolution condemning President Trump.
He demanded her words attacking President Trump to be officially stricken from the record.
Breitbart reported that Pelosi railed against President Trump during Tuesday’s debate on the House floor, promising that her caucus would continue to respond to the “disrespect” aimed at the fundamental diversity of America.
She accused Trump of legitimizing and increasing “fear” and “hatred” against people of color and attempted to shame lawmakers who are dismissing the Dems’ politically fueled resolution.
“It’s so sad because you would think that there would be a given that we would universally in this body just say ‘of course, of course,’” Nancy Pelosi said. “There is no excuse for any response to those words but a swift and strong, unified condemnation.”
“Every single member of this institution– Democratic and Republican– should join us in condemning the president’s racist tweets,” Pelosi continued.
“To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people,” she added, sparking boos from others in the room.
Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) chimed in as Nancy Pelosi yielded the remainder of her time and asked if she wanted to rephrase her remarks.
“I have cleared my remarks with the parliamentarian before I read them,” Nancy Pelosi said flippantly as she walked off.
Fox News reporter that Chad Pegrum explained: “GOP GA Rep Collins asserts that Nancy Pelosi’s words broke decorum & demanded they be “taken down.””
“She will have to decide if her words are in order. If ruled out of order, Pelosi could be banned from speaking on the floor the rest of the day. Collins asked Pelosi to withdraw her words.” He wrote.