Michael Cohen’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee continues to be a “media circus” as many Republicans blast the case, with Rep. Carol Miller (R-W.Va.) becoming the latest to slam it naming him as a “waste of time.”
From Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) calling Cohen a “pathological liar” to GOP Ranking Member Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) denouncing the hearing for the “convicted perjurer,” there is no shortage of criticism toward President Trump’s former personal attorney.
This Wednesday, Cohen testified that he lied to Congress to benefit Donald Trump in front of the House Oversight Committee, but the West Virginia representative said the “sole purpose” of the hearing is just to discredit President Trump.
“I am very disappointed to have you in front of this committee today,” Miller said.
“Quite frankly, this isn’t the reason the people of West Virginia sent me to Congress. I find this hearing not in the best interest of the American people. This is another political game with the sole purpose of discrediting the president.” said Miller.
“How can we believe anything you’re saying?” Miller later asked. “The answer is, we can’t.”
Rep. Carol Miller continued to show her dislike toward the hearing case as she noted to House Oversight chair Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) that “we’ve canceled hearings on child separation and on other issues that are close to my heart for this media circus.”
“What a waste of time and money for a man who has gladly exploited the name of the president to promote his own name and fill his own pockets. It pains me that we are sitting here adding another chapter to his book.” she said.
While Carol Miller bashed the hearing for allegedly attempting to discredit the President, Cohen claimed there is a confidential “illegal act” on President Trump that’s “being investigated right now by the Southern District of New York, and I’ve been asked by them not to discuss it, not to talk about these issues,”
It’s sad how many people in the Gov. approve the waste of many on political cases, but refuse to spend a dime of tax payers money to build a wall and help defend our country from drugs, criminals.