Lindsey Graham sure knows how to sent shivers down Nancy Pelosi’s spine, now with an accurate prediction of what this ill-advised impeachment will cost her.
Despite all the nonsense by the left, President Trump is not only getting stuff done by himself, he is also getting bipartisan stuff done like the USMCA and rethinking our stupid mid-east strategy.
The american people noticed that, and they feel the impact of the economy as well.
Lindsey agrees with this, as he sent a message to Nancy Pelosi – “there’s going to be a backlash and let me tell you why: most Americans jealously guard the right to pick their own leaders. I think they’re going to hold it against politicians who try to take that right away,” Lindsey said.
“Well, the House will be able to make their case for 24 hours; hopefully we do this in a couple of days. Then the defense team of the president will be able to make their case based on the record established in the House,” Sen. Graham continued while speaking to Sean Hannity.
Then they’ll be an effort to call witnesses, to ask for documents, and I hope that nobody will be called as a witness because every witness being requested by the Democrats were available to the House. They chose not to call them. Executive privilege applies to all these witnesses. So I’m hoping this can be done in about a week and I predict a bipartisan acquittal of President Trump.
Well, I would tell my colleagues on the Republican side that Chuck Schumer is not seeking the truth. If you think Chuck Schumer is trying to find out what happened here, you’re missing a lot.
Chuck Schumer is trying to take back the Senate. He’s trying to make the argument that if you don’t call a witness you’re trying to cover up for the president. The truth of the matter is that Chuck Schumer is willing to destroy executive privilege. I can only imagine what he would be saying if this were a Democratic president. Who is he asking for?
The national security advisor to the president, his chief of staff, the Secretary of State, and the OMB director, four people essential to any presidency, and he could give a damn if Trump loses executive privilege.
I think 2020 is going to be a blowout. I think what Nancy Pelosi did, to spike the ball at halftime; the score at impeachment is one to nothing us; they lost one Democratic seat by impeaching the president. By the time the trial’s over and we have an election in November, there’s going to be a backlash and let me tell you why: most Americans jealously guard the right to pick their own leaders.
I think they’re going to hold it against politicians who try to take that right away. We’re going to get the House back; we’re going to keep the Senate majority and President Trump’s gonna be reelected, and one of the reasons is the way they’ve conducted themselves.