Greta Van Susteren called out Fox News’ Chris Wallace for taking cheap shots at President Trump in what she named a “smear.”
Greta was referring to the explosive interview with Chris Wallace and Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney. Mulvaney tried to clean up earlier comments he made about Ukraine and Wallace ambushed him with beltway gossip.
Wallace claimed that he heard, from another anonymous expert, that 20% of GOP Senators would vote to impeach and remove President Trump from office.
It’s fair to say that even if true, that is not enough to actually get a conviction in the Senate.
The Hill reported that Chris Wallace said a “well-connected” Washington Republican told him that there’s a 20% chance enough Republicans will vote to remove Trump from office in an impeachment trial in the Senate.
Wallace mentioned his source’s comments during an interview with acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney on “Fox News Sunday.”
Wallace cited an overwhelming House vote criticizing Trump’s policies in Syria and an op-ed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell slamming the President’s decision to withdraw troops from that country.
He then said he had “talked to a very well-connected Republican in Washington, someone whose name you would know well, who says that if the House votes to impeach and it gets to a trial in the Senate, there’s now a 20 percent chance enough Republicans would vote with Democrats to impeach the president.”
The Fox anchor then asked Mick Mulvaney if he was concerned about the president losing GOP support.
“That’s just absurd,” Mulvaney said. “The comment about the 20 percent is just a person who clearly doesn’t know what they’re talking about.”
The acting chief of staff added that President Trump very aware that his decision to withdraw troops from Syria would be controversial and wouldn’t be “politically popular.”
“The president is extraordinarily popular at home,” Mulvaney said, emphasizing his likability in swing states.
As previously said, Greta Van Susteren didn’t wait long to respond to the Fox anchor, blasting him as she does best.
“Chris Wallace should know better than to use anonymous“well connected Republican” – he should name names or not say this at all as without the identity (what is a ‘welll connected??’) its purpose is merely to smear and cause trouble – name names or don’t say this at all.”