Jane Fonda showed up a few days ago on CNN, donning her black beret. Seems like Hanoi Jane has waited for this moment of utter chaos to achieve her radical goals of anarchy which aligns with the Black Panthers and BLM.
“Actress and activist Jane Fonda spoke about the need to recognize and upend white privilege to combat the many facets of systemic racism during an interview with CNN’s Don Lemon Sunday,” Rolling Stone reports.
“Because we’re white, we have had privilege,” the 82-year-old leftwing activist said. “Even the poorest of us have had privilege. And we need to recognize that, and we have to understand what it is that keeps racism in place.”
Fonda urged her Hollywood friends to lead the American people to embrace the “Defund the Police” campaign by signing an open letter calling for shutting down all police departments.
The open letter claims that in 2017, $194 billion was spent on the police by America’s various governments even as police have “continued profiling, harassment, terror and killing of Black communities.”
The letter also insist that the money spent on police would be better spent on “building healthy communities,” or to go “to the health of our elders and children, to neighborhood infrastructure, to education, to childcare, to support a vibrant Black future.”
According to Hanoi Jane, its the “systemic racism” in America’s police departments that means all police departments must be eradicated.
The big problem with this narrative is that the data shows more unarmed white people are shot and killed by police than blacks, year after year.
The data put out by the left-leaning Washington Post included suspects who grabbed an officer’s gun or brandished a weapon. The Post’s data said in 2019, 1004 Americans were shot and killed by police and out of those 376 were white, and 236 were black.
Fonda and her friends woke up Friday morning to some really bad news.
The Dems have begun embracing calls to “defund” or even “abolish” police departments. But a new YouGov poll shows that only 16% of Americans approve of that — including just 33% of black Americans, Breitbart reports.
Making matters worse for Fonda and her Black Lives Matter cohorts, the poll asked a variety of questions about what kinds of police reform people support. Defunding the police came dead last. 65% of Americans opposed it. Only 16% of Democrats supported it — the same proportion as Americans overall. The highest proportion of support (25%) was among millennials, ages 30 to 44.
The most popular option was training police to de-escalate conflicts and the use of force, which was favored by 88% of respondents, including 94% of Democrats and 83% of Republicans. Body cameras were also favored widely.
Earlier this week, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that he was cutting up to $150 million from the Los Angeles Police Department, more than 10% of its budget, and “reinvesting” funds into “communities of color.”
Garcetti appeared to bow to the demands of left-wing groups, as demonstrators marched in the streets of the boarded-up cities chanting anti-police slogans. Some held signs like “DEFUND LAPD” and “COPS 4 NOT ESSENTIAL.’
Meanwhile, the Minneapolis City Council is in favor of disbanding its entire police department. “Several of us on the council are working on finding out what it would take to disband the Minneapolis Police Department and start fresh with a community-oriented, nonviolent public safety and outreach capacity,” tweeted Minneapolis City Councilman Steve Fletcher.