Former Senator Jeff Flake faced backlash on social media from many conservatives after he sided with Democrats on suggesting the SCOTUS vacancy left by the death of Justice Ginsburg not be filled before the election.
Flake tweeted “In 2016, nine months before an election, we Republicans said that the next president should fill a Supreme Court vacancy.”
“Today, six weeks before an election, we should hold the same position.”
He added “Preserving the institution of the Senate should be paramount to any political gain.”
Flake’s statement generated a lot of backlash, both from conservatives and Democrats.
Adrian Oaks replied “Jeff, you would totally cave on this if you were still there”
Nancy Fox wrote “The time for you to speak up was to reject Kavanaugh. That would have been the honorable thing to do – now look at where we are. You have zero right to talk about preserving institutions when you did what you did. I am so ashamed for you.”
Ron Hust also wrote “As that’s why his name is Flake.”