
Jerry Nadler Grows A Spine – Finally Denounces Ilhan Omar And Rashida Tlaib

House judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler finally grew a spine and lit into Rep. Ilhan Omar and her colleague Rashida Tlaib.

Thy dynamic duo has been exposed as the worst kind of hypocrites and everyone was wondering when any of the leading Democrats, especially leading Jewish Democrats, would denounce them.

The Daily Mail reported that House judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler condemned the duo’s discriminatory rhetoric, making specific references to how Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar, two female democratic congresswomen, shared a cartoon depicting Israel’s Prime Minister.

In his tweet Nadler also condemned the President Trump and other politicians from both sides of the divide for their sharing of anti-Semitic words.

“The growing anti-Semitism in our political dialogue is repugnant,” he tweeted. “@realdonaldtrump’s comments about disloyalty are a vicious and dangerous anti-Semitic trope. And the Carlos Latuff cartoon forwarded by @RepRashida and @Ilhan can surely be read for its vile underlying message.”

This week President Trump claimed Jewish people who voted for the Democrats were showing a “total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty”.

His comments came as part of a new attack on the two Muslim-American congresswomen, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, who were banned from visiting Israel earlier this month.

There is no doubts Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib are too reckless and too ignorant of simple historical facts.

Talking about a hypocrite, Tlaib’s family is loaded and drives new Mercedes and BMW’s around Palestine. You will never hear her say that as she calls Israel a bad actor and calls for a boycott.

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