AG William Barr appeared Tuesday before the Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee for what is expected to be more political grandstanding by the party.
And while Chairman Jerry Nadler will have his chance to grill AG Barr in the pursuit of electoral gains, it’s fair to wonder if he laid awake last night dreading the coming interaction with Rep. Jim Jordon, R-Ohio, the panel’s ranking member.
“Spying. That one word, that’s why they are after you Mr. Attorney General,” Jordan said in his opening statement. “Fifteen months ago, April 10th 2019, you said this in a Senate hearing, ‘I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.’ … It sure is. And since that day when you have the courage to state the truth, they attacked you. They’ve been attacking you ever since for simply stating the truth that the Obama and Biden administration spied on the campaign.”
After sharing some of the reported tactics employed by the FBI, Jordan asked, “You know what they call that? Spying.”
He laid out the details behind the Carter Page FISA court applications and noted that the Justice Department inspector general’s report documented 17 lies in the process.
“But guess what? Chairman Nadler refuses to allow Mr. Horowitz to come here and testify and ask questions about the 17 lies the Obama/Biden administration told to the secret court,” Jordan said.
The Republican lawmaker proceeded to establish that the FBI never had any basis for launching the initial investigation of the Trump campaign
“There was never a proper predicate so why did they do it? There was no reason to do it, so why they do it?” he asked, before providing the answer.
Citing a series of texts from disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok, Jordan talked about how he told his secret lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page, that they will stop Trump from being elected.
“But guess what happens in November? November 8th, 2016, the American people get in their way — 63 million of them to be exact. Now everything changes,” he said.
Jordan explained that as a result of the election, these forces now must engage in a cover up and former national security adviser Mike Flynn was the first target in that endeavor.
With an emphasis on the last month of the Obama administration, he reminds us of the infamous White House meeting where all the major players were present — this occurring one day before fired FBI director James Comey tried to set President-elect Trump up during a briefing on the fake dossier.
As Jordon explained, the briefing would be leaked to the media so they could report on the dossier’s unverified contents.
Jordan laid out the process of Flynn being set up by the FBI and the general’s name being repeatedly unmasked by Obama officials.
“Flynn resigns on February 13, and now the cover-up is complete,” he said.
But when Comey is fired by President Trump, everything goes awry again.
“Now how do they continue the cover up?” Jordan asked. “Real simple, Jim Comey leaks his memos with the express purpose of getting a special counsel appointed to investigate something they already know isn’t true.”
This being Robert Mueller, who produced nothing.
“So all they have left is to attack the attorney general who had the courage to state the truth right from the get-go,” he added. “You guys attack him every day, every week and now you filed articles of impeachment against him, it’s ridiculous. He had the courage to do what no one else would do with the Justice Department.”
Addressing Barr, Jordan said, “I want to thank you for having the courage to call it what it was — spying. I want to thank you for having the courage to get the politics out of the Department of Justice that was there in the previous administration and maybe most importantly, we are going to talk about this on our side when questioning, I want to thank you for defending law enforcement and pointing out what a crazy idea it is to defund the police policy is and standing up for the rule of law.”
“In fact we have a video that we want to show that gets right to the point. Can we play that video please?” he then said.
The video begins with the mantra on the left about “peaceful protesters,” being repeated again and again by the media and Democratic politicians, to include former President Barack Obama.
The video then shifts to the extreme violence witnessed in one American city after another by lawless Black Lives Matter mobs being protected by Democrats. A press conference featuring the wife of slain former St. Louis police chief David Dorn was included.
The carnage plays over and over again on the screen, as well as one attack after another on law enforcement, for 8 minutes.
At the end, all Chairman Nadler, who called Antifa terrorists behind much of the mayhem “a myth that is being spread only in Washington, DC,” had to say was: “I hope Mr Jordan will never complain about the length of my opening statement.”