This morning, Rep. Jim Jordan grilled Dr. Fauci on whether protests should be limited over the transmission of the COVID virus.
In a nutshell, Dr. Fauci wouldn’t go near making any statement or recommendation specifically about the protests that are raveging in the United States.
He would only say, generally speaking, that the coronavirus spreads in crowds.
The reason Rep. Jordan grilled Dr. Fauci on this line of questioning is because we are seeing, especially in Democrat states and cities, that protests are given an exemption while all other gatherings, including church services, are being shut down.
Rep. Jordan has been arguing that he simply wants to see consistency on the issue, that if we are going to tell people that they can’t go to church these protests must also be held to the same standard.
Despite making recommendations in the past, Dr. Fauci simply wouldn’t make a judgement on protests.
Maybe he knows that if he did the left would dislike him as much as some on the right.