This Tuesday mourning, “The View” co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar were censored multiple times for using profanity while criticizing President Trump.
Co-host Whoopi Goldberg was bleeped out for a few seconds during a segment about President Trump’s various attacks on Democratic presidential candidates, with her and Joy Behar expressing bewilderment over the President attacking Joe Biden as “Sleepy Joe.”
“I just think people are tired of it and…” Goldberg said of President Trump’s attacks before being bleeped out, with the other co-hosts and the audience laughing while her audio was cut out for a few seconds before the show went to commercials.
Then, during a discussion about the President attacking Joe Biden’s support for the controversial 1994 crime bill, which was credited with contributing to the mass incarceration of African-Americans, co-host Joy Behar was censored while calling out what she saw as President Trump’s hypocrisy on racial issues.
Joy Behar stated that not only did former New York City mayor and the President’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani support the law at the time, but President Trump took out full-page ads in the New York Times calling for the death penalty for the so-called “Central Park Five,” a group of young black and Latino men falsely imprisoned and later exonerated for a rape they didn’t commit, as reported by Business Insider.
“Black people know about Charlottesville,” she said, referring to the President’s controversial response to the white supremacist gatherings in the summer of 2017. “And they know about him saying that (bleeped out) and all the racism, and all the stuff that he says.”
Mediaite reported that in each of the first two segments of the ABC daytime talk show, the audio was cut off for a portions of the broadcast. First, Whoopi Goldberg was censored few moments before she threw to the show’s first commercial break. The audio cut out four times as Goldberg was blasting President Trump for some of the insulting nicknames he has applied to his 2020 rivals.
Later on the show, co-host Joy Behar was cut off for two seconds during a rant about President Trump trying to court black voters by attacking former Joe Biden over his role in getting the 1994 crime bill passed.