Ken Starr just dropped the hammer on the top brass at the FBI and said they were out to get Trump and the people in his administration.
“I think this is all about the president of the United States and the effort to obstruct the administration and the effort to do everything that they can to make the path forward for the president of the United States, including the Russia investigation, as difficult as possible,” Ken Starr said, as Fox News reported.
“It was very, very immoral and unethical.”
“It’s a confirmation that this was a very unrighteous, if not outright unlawful, effort by Jim Comey’s FBI,”
Starr noted that FBI agents “wanted to close this part of the investigation down, they were overruled.”
“That is simply wrong,” he continued.
“It may be unlawful, but it certainly is highly unprofessional and is total unfairness to the former national security adviser whose career was ruined.”
Starr added that it was also “unfair to the country.”
Host Brian Kilmeade asked Starr what he thought of the FBI’s actions, “What does it make you think?”
“It makes me think that there may actually be criminal culpability on the part, maybe, the presumption of innocence, but this is wrong,” Starr said.
“It is so incredibly wrong at a moral and professional level.”
Starr asked, “How could senior people in the FBI engage in this kind of obstructive conduct?”
“If it doesn’t meet all of the elements of obstruction of justice, it comes pretty darn close, but at a minimum, it shows they were out to get General Flynn,” he continued.
He then made clear that “they” refers to the senior leadership of the FBI. “That means they were out to get the Trump administration,” Starr said.