House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy ripped Nancy Pelosi and accused her of lying on national television. He blasted her for comments she made about the changes to the Coronavirus stimulus package.
Hopefully, we got a good deal and time will tell the rest, but one thing we do know – moderate Dems were not happy with Nancy Pelosi’s stunt to try to sneak her pet projects in and that is not good news for Pelosi.
The Gateway Pundit reported that for days now the two chambers of Congress have been fighting over a mammoth Coronavirus stimulus bill because the Democrats were trying to fund their liberal pet projects.
Pelosi has been trying to sneak in a wish list of Socialist goodies that have absolutely nothing to do with the Coronavirus.
McCarthy said during his presser that Pelosi is flat out lying about the changes to the bill.
“A few minutes ago the Speaker stood at this podium and claimed that House Democrats did what she called a jujitsu to change the bill — that is an outright lie,” McCarthy said. “The fundamental portions of this bill has not changed since Sunday.”
McCarthy continued, “Four months for unemployment was already decided on Sunday. The grant to keep employees hired in small business was already decided on Sunday.”
“The only few additions were funding of things that had nothing to do with the Coronavirus,” he added.