Legendary rock musician and one of the founding members of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters ripped Dem. Presidential candidate Joe Biden in a recent interview.
Roger Waters is a songwriter, singer, bassist, and composer. In 1965 he co-founded the rock band Pink Floyd. Waters initially served solely as the bassist, but following the departure of singer-songwriter Syd Barrett in 1968, he also became their lyricist, co-lead vocalist, and conceptual leader.
The Consequence of Sound reported that in a new interview with Rolling Stone, Waters was asked if progressives should consider it their “duty” to vote for Joe Biden in the upcoming election.
“I’m on the fence,” Waters responded. “I’m so flabbergasted and gobsmacked by the way the Democratic National Committee has railroaded Bernie [Sanders]… again.”
“And has put in place a candidate — I can’t imagine Biden beating Trump in an election.”
“Biden is such a f-ing slimeball, he’s so weak, and has no appeal to anybody,” Waters said.
“Trump, at least, is a snake oil salesman, he does tricks.. he does them really badly, but people don’t care.”
As a Bernie Sanders supporter, Waters said that he is “still staggering under the weight of them having rejected the only candidate who represented the people of America.”
“I obviously don’t know where I stand on that lesser of two evils question,” Waters said of the upcoming election between Trump and Biden.
“I’m not sure the path to a new America that is not ruled by the current ruling class — by money, plutocracy, and a capitalist society — will be made any easier with Biden as president.”
Waters also scoffed at the idea of American exceptionalism: “I’m so upset at the appalling bill of goods the American electorate is being sold, and they fall for it again and again. On the simplest of pretext, which is:
“America exceptionalism. ‘We are great. This is the greatest country in the world. We believe in freedom and democracy and human rights.”
“We make everything better. We are the shining city on the hill.’ No you aren’t, you’re f-ing awful!”
Waters stressed he was speaking specifically about the American government, but said American people are “gullible” for going along with it.
You can watch the full interview on this LINK.