Nancy Pelosi threw another temper tantrum after the impeachment debacle backfired in ways she never expected. She is actually considering not sending thee articles of impeachment to the Senate for a vote so Trump can clear his good name.
Pelosi said that she will “see what the process is on the Senate side” before she makes up her mind.
“We had a very fair process in the House of Representatives,” she said.
“We have legislation, approved by the Rules Committee that will enable us to decide how we will send over the articles of impeachment.”
“So far we haven’t seen anything that looks fair to us.”
“We’ll make that decision as a group, as we always have, as we go along,” she concluded.
It sure looks like the Dems just want to smear President Trump with charges and then deny him the chance to win in the Senate and clear his name.
Well Sen. Lindsey Graham was having none of this and accused Nancy Pelosi of “constitutional extortion.”
“Not allowing the Senate to act on approved Articles of Impeachment becomes Constitutional extortion and creates chaos for the presidency,” Sen. Graham tweeted out.
“It also sets in motion a tremendous threat to our Constitutional system of checks and balances.”
“What is driving this crazy idea?” Graham asked.
“Democrats have finally realized they have a very WEAK case which NEVER should have been brought forward to begin with,” he added.