Joe Biden is a big gamble for the Dems and that’s the honest truth. Only the Dems in power want Joe Biden and that’s probably because he will keep them in power.
Hillary seemingly delayed the natural evolution of the Dem party and lost because of it, and now Biden threatens to do the same.
Mark Cuban for one sees the writing on the wall, and smells Joe Biden’s blood in the water. So he just made his move by saying that he may run for POTUS on Fox News today.
Cuban’s next venture could potentially put him in a position to lead the national recovery, as he acknowledged a presidential bid could be in his future. While he admitted that this is not a serious thought at the moment, he would not call it an impossibility given the current state of affairs.
“I never would have considered it prior to a month ago, but now things are changing rapidly and dramatically,” he said. Cuban said he is not “actively pursuing” anything just yet, but noted anything could happen, even though the deadline for independent candidates has already passed in some states.
“I’m just keeping the door open,” he said.
In the meantime, Cuban took issue with some of the methods the federal government has used to help the economy stay afloat, such as the small business loans made available through the Payroll Protection Plan. Instead of making businesses apply for loans, which has proven to be a time-consuming, complicated, and difficult process, he said banks should simply provide overdraft protection for checks that businesses issue for their regular expenses.
“With an overdraft protection program, companies could just continue as usual, pay their payrolls, pay their insurance, pay the utilities, rent, et cetera, and they wouldn’t have that fear that they wouldn’t be able to make those payments,” he said.
Cuban also warned that the federal government should be tough with big corporations that receive bailout money, saying they should not let CEOs set the terms or conditions for how it should work.
He also suggested that one way the government can help the airline industry without simply offering a handout is to pre-pay for government travel.
Despite this approach, Cuban recognized that even large corporations need help, and that the government should provide it.
“I mean, look, they’re coming for money for a reason. And this is taxpayer money. So I’m not saying don’t give them money, but there needs to be terms and conditions that really put the taxpayer first,” he said.