Rep. Maxine Waters slammed President Trump in a series of tweets Friday, also declaring “Now is the time to save our country before this would-be dictator takes us all down!”
“Is there one brave member of Trump’s cabinet who would move to initiate the 25th amendment to remove him from office? Now is the time to save our country before this would-be dictator takes us all down!” Maxine posted on Twitter.
“Trump brought in the FBI, Homeland Security, Natl Guard, active duty military troops, & helicopters to use against our citizens & our young people protesting against the killing of unarmed people of color. He is amassing the power of a dictator. Stop him! Join the resistance!”
“As the world focuses on protests & unites in the denouncement of the killings of unarmed black people, #BreonnaTaylor is not forgotten. Had she lived, she would’ve been 27 yrs old today. Breonna, your death was not in vain. We are fighting for you.”

Rep. Maxine Waters also appeared on MSNBC with Ari Melber, and credited protesters for doing what “what legislation has not been able to accomplish, the ministers begging and praying have not been able to achieve, and it goes on, and on, and on.”
“As you look back then and look at the work you did then, what’s on your mind in what has and hasn’t happened since then?” Ari Melber asked.
Maxinw Waters: “It has been many years since Rodney King, and before that, I was confronting the then-chief of Los Angeles police Daryl Gates, and not a lot has happened. Normally, when an officer kills even an unarmed person, usually a black man or woman, it is deemed a justifiable homicide.”
“But I want to tell you, I have a very special feeling about what is going on now. I believe that these young people in the streets are truly creating change. I think we’re on our way to the development of laws and practices that we’ve not been able to achieve with all of the struggles we’ve been in about law enforcement, the abuse, and the targeting, and the killing of blacks in particular.”
“While there are many who are concerned about the protests, I don’t think people need to be concerned about the protests.”
“People should be thankful because these young people are doing what legislation has not been able to accomplish, the ministers begging and praying have not been able to achieve, and it goes on, and on, and on.”