This Sunday, Former first lady Michelle Obama claimed that Americans can find “solace” from the presidency of Donald Trump by remembering that America elected her husband, former President Barack Obama, twice.
As part of her international book tour for her memoir “Becoming,” the former first lady spoke to thousands at an event in London where she explained why she sees the Trump presidency as a “dark chapter.”
The former first lady spoke to the crowd at an event in London as part of her international book tour for her memoir “Becoming,” and explained why she sees Donald Trump’s presidency as a “dark chapter.”
The Guardian reported that Obama said that America is struggling through a “low” but the U.S. has bounced back from “lower” points.
“It may feel like a dark chapter but any story has its highs and lows, but it continues. Yeah, we’re in a low, but we’ve been lower. We’ve had tougher times with more to fear. We’ve lived through slavery and the Holocaust and segregation and we’ve always come out on the other end, better and stronger.” she said.
The former first lady made a recommendation to Americans who feel distressed over the Trump presidency, to look back at her husband’s election and find their “solace.”
“I have to remind people that Barack Obama was elected twice in the United States. That really did happen. That wasn’t make-believe. The country actually did accomplish it and half the people who voted in the last election, if they could have, they would have voted for him for a third term. […] We have to remember that what is happening today is true, but what happened before was also true … that should give us some solace at some level.” she said.
While Michelle Obama asserted that our country was in a “dark chapter,” she failed to explain how Americans are suffering under President Donald Trump.
Ever-since he took office, Americans have seen record low unemployment and high job growth. Additionally, ISIS has been largely demolished, relations improved dramatically with North Korea, and there has been a reformation of federal prison policies.
That does not seem like a “dark chapter,” considering her husband only left office two years ago and some of the policies were continuations of his administration.