This Tuesday, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell took to the Senate floor and declared the Mueller investigation “case closed.”
He began by noting the Robert Mueller’s investigation brought change and progress in regard to election security, even going into the 2018 midterm elections.
“But speaking of serious, seriousness is not what we’ve seen from the Democratic Party in recent days. Not serious. What we’ve seen is a meltdown, an absolute meltdown, an inability to accept the bottom line conclusion on Russian interference from the special counsel’s report which said the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. That’s the conclusion.” he sad.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also noted that the conclusion had been treated like a known quantity by many as the investigation progressed.
“Two years of exhaustive investigation and nothing to establish the fanciful conspiracy theory that Democratic politicians and TV talking heads had treated like a foregone conclusion,” he added. “The special counsel’s finding is clear. Case closed. Case closed.”
McConnell then stated that the cases’ conclusion was good news for America, but that Democrats didn’t appear to be taking it very well.
“My Democratic colleagues seem to be publicly working through the five stages of grief. First stage is denial. Remember what happened when the Attorney general released his preliminary letter describing the special counsel’s bottom line legal conclusion. Immediately — denial. Immediately totally baseless speculation that perhaps Attorney General Barr hadn’t quoted the report properly.” he said.
The next stage, McConnell continued, was anger — anger that “our legal system will not magically undo the 2016 election for them.”
McConnell went on to claim that the Dems were “angrier at Bill Barr for doing his job than they are at Vladimir Putin.”
“They are grieving,” McConnell concluded. “They are grieving that the national crisis they spent two years wishing for did not materialize. But for the rest of the country, this is good news. Bad news for the outrage industrial complex. But good news for the country.”