Jean Carroll came out of nowhere, and after 30 or something years, accused President Trump of a sexual assault.
Recently, she appeared on CNN and proved herself to be quite the whack job and not credible a person. The video is below and you can judge for yourself as she calls rape a sexy fantasy and she sounds drunk or on medication when she is saying it.
And what does Mitt Romney do? Calls for an investigation into it. What a joke. What we should do is investigate all the destruction Mitt caused by Bain capital. All those jobs shipped overseas, all those pensions wiped out so he could buy another mansion. That’s what we should be investigating.
CNN reported that this Tuesday, two Republican senators said that the rape allegation made against President Trump by writer E. Jean Carroll should be explored to determine the veracity of the allegation against President Trump — even as many Senate Republicans sidestepped questions over the matter and defended the President.
Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa said both President Trump and Jean Carroll should be questioned about the alleged assault.
“I think anybody that makes an accusation like that, they should come forward,” Ernst stated when he was asked if Carroll should be believed. “But obviously there has to be some additional information. They need to interview her. They need to visit with him.”
Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah stated that there needs to be an “evaluation” but that he didn’t know what entity should conduct it, “whether it’s Congress or whether it’s another setting, I’m not sure.”
“It’s a very serious allegation,” Romney said. “I hope that it is fully evaluated. The President said it didn’t happen and I certainly hope that’s the case.”
The second-ranking senator in GOP leadership, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, called the alleged acts “unacceptable, deplorable behavior” but said because “the President is denying them, I can’t comment on them because I don’t know what the truth is.”
“I think anytime you have a situation like this where nobody knows exactly what the truth and exactly what the facts are, it’s hard to draw any hard-and-fast conclusions.” Thune added.
When Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and ally of President Trump’s was asked about the rape charges, he paused, took a deep breath and shook his head. Then he said, “He’s denied it, and that’s enough for me. Until somebody comes up with something new.”
Sen. Thom Tillis, a Republican of North Carolina, also said he will take Trump’s denial “at face value.”
Breitbart also reported that Sens. Mitt Romney and Joni Ernst split from members of the Republican party and requested more information on E. Jean Carroll’s claim that President Trump raped her many years ago.
While many of his Republican colleagues have remained silent on the issue, or come out in support of President Trump, Mitt Romney claimed the accusation placed by Jean Carroll, who previously said “most people think of rape as being sexy,” is a “serious” allegation, according to CNN.
“It’s a very serious allegation,” Mitt Romney said. “I hope that it is fully evaluated. The President said it didn’t happen and I certainly hope that’s the case.”