The mainstream media cheers when “protesters” tear down monuments and statutes, but when a Trump-supporting couple paints over a Black Lives Matter “street mural,” the liberal-leaning District Attorney goes nuts in ways that will make your head spin.
Leave it to Contra Costa County, which is 25 miles outside San Franciso, to go nuts after one patriotic couple decided to paint over the Black Lives Matter “mural.” We have seen how the Democrat government officials have allowed BLM to paint in big yellow letters “Black Lives Matter” on main streets in our cities and communities.
But, this couple had enough. Armed with the knowledge that BLM is a Marxist organization, Nichole Anderson, 42, and David Nelson, 53, brought black paint to restore the street to its pre-BLM look.
Right away, a few leftists gathered to berate the couple. But that didn’t stop them.
The couple was charged with a “hate crime.”
KCBS in Contra Costa announced the Trump supporters are being charged with a “hate crime” by the Democrat District Attorney.
“The #Martinez couple caught on video painting over the approved #BlackLivesMatter mural on #FourthofJuly are being charged with a hate crime, according to a release from the #ContraCostaCounty District Attorney’s office,” KCBS reports.
They were also charged with violation of civil rights, vandalism, and possession of tools to commit vandalism.
“We must address the root and byproduct of systemic racism in our country. The Black Lives Matter movement is an important civil rights cause that deserves all of our attention,” stated Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton. “The mural completed last weekend was a peaceful and powerful way to communicate the importance of black lives in Contra Costa County and the country.”
The radical leftists are calling the BLM street graffiti a “mural” since they got the city of Martinez to agree they could deface the street with their Marxist propaganda.
Americans were outraged over the entire debacle. They took to Twitter to share their anger.
“NEW RULES: 1. You’re only allowed to destroy statues, monuments, deface buildings & city streets if you have the correct skin color/political beliefs. 2. You’re not allowed to clean up the messes of anyone with the correct skin color/political beliefs,” tweeted PolitiChicks.
“Oh, good grief…Mural!? Really? It looks like street graffiti though readable graffiti. Our Country is getting overrun now with ‘approved’ BLM murals,” tweeted “Thor Son of Odin.”
“It was approved to paint this ‘mural’ on a street, and now the couple that painted over it are charged with a hate crime. Let’s paint all our streets! Unbelievable,” tweeted Twitter user “Sharon.”
“You kidding me @craigmelvin rioters can tear down statues kill citizens while protesting? But these 2 citizens can’t? Who’s the racist?” tweeted John Marc.