Dem. presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke recently showed up at a gun show amid his calls for gun confiscation and it didn’t go well for him.
The former Democratic lawmaker learned that many of the anti-gun lines that he had been peddling were flat-out lies because gun owners responsibly purchase their firearms, careful to abide by the laws Congress has put in place.
Not willing to admit his error, Beto O’Rourke took to social media to continue pushing his anti-gun propaganda.
“We won’t solve the challenges we face with half steps, half measures, or half the country. That’s why we’re going everywhere, including to gun shows, to meet Americans where they are—and bring them into our campaign,” he tweeted.
“In Arkansas, I listened to gun owners and sellers—and appreciated hearing their perspectives. But as the plan we released yesterday says, if I’m president, you wouldn’t be able to buy weapons of war for $395. You wouldn’t be able to buy them at all,” O’Rourke added in another tweet.
The NRA didn’t wait long and responded to the pair of tweets, reminding Beto O’Rourke that he is polling at 2% (29% behind front-runner Joe Biden) in a Fox News poll. A Post and Courier poll has Beto O’Rourke garnering only 1%.
Beto O’Rourke quickly responded with a poll that showed many Americans agreed with “assault weapon” bans.
The NRA asserted that some of these anti-gun critics are not well versed on gun terminology, sharing a video of one critic who argued against “fully semi-automatic rifles.”
In another tweet, Beto O’Rourke argued the cost of purchasing life-saving insulin was higher than the cost of an AR-15.
“Insulin costs $450 a month. An AR-15 costs $395 for a lifetime. It shouldn’t be more affordable to kill than to stay alive,” O’Rourke said in the series of tweets.
Beto O’Rourke wasn’t the only Democratic presidential candidate to try and peddle the anti-guns lines as Sen. Kamala Harris similarly took to social media and claimed that people could buy a firearm online without being subject to a federal background check.
“Guns shouldn’t be a click away for any domestic terrorist with a laptop. The new executive action I announced this week will help close the online sales loophole. As president, I will act to keep guns out of the wrong hands.” She claimed.
Dana Loesch blasted the “false & irresponsible claim” and reminded the California lawmaker what the law actually says: “Purchases made over the Internet must still go through a FFL, this is federal law: 18 U.S.C. 922(a)(2)(A), 922(a) (3), 922(a)(5) and 922(e), 27 CFR 478.31 and 478.30.”
“If this law is violated it is not a ‘loophole,’ it is a criminal act,” she added.