
Ocasio-Cortez Gives Up The Game, Gloats About Sabotage Of Trump’s Rally In Tulsa

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave up the game, when she gloated and bragged about the alleged sabotage to the Trump rally last night in Tulsa.

The media is very happy the expected crowd did not materialize but President Trump still drew huge numbers both in-person and online and Biden could never do it.

However, something seemed off about the whole thing and if Ocasio-Cortez is right it may be a coordinated sabotage.

Fox News reported that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to take pleasure Saturday night in reports that the turnout for President Trump’s Tulsa, Okla., rally was lower than expected.

In a post onTwitter, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the Trump campaign had been scammed by teenage anti-Trump activists who allegedly reserved scores of tickets for the Tulsa event online – then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend.

“Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok,” AOC wrote in response to a Twitter message by Trump 2020 Campaign chief Brad Parscale, who argued that “Radical protestors” in Tulsa had prevented some of the president’s supporters from entering the BOK Center, where the rally was held.

Tim Murtaugh, a Trump 2020 Campaign spokesman, reiterated the Parscale claim of protester interference, The New York Times reported.

TV images showed much of the upper tier of Tulsa’s BOK Center remained empty during the rally, with other space visible in the lower seating areas as well — a different result than the big turnout the Trump campaign had predicted during the week.

Ocasio-Cortez claimed that teens flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID.

“Shout out to Zoomers. Y’all make me so proud,” Ocasio-Cortez added.

In a separate message, AOC thanked “KPop allies,” a term referring to fans of Korean pop music.

“KPop allies, we see and appreciate your contributions in the fight for justice too,” the congresswoman wrote.

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