This Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a press conference that she personally believes it’s “really important” to lower the voting age to 16.
Nancy Pelosi wants to capture the high school demographic, because it’s a perfect time to push the teenagers to vote after they have been indoctrinated with left wing propaganda by the public school system their whole lives.
It’s also fair to mention that teenagers have no life experience and tend to lean left, because “free stuff” sounds great to kids.
“I myself, personally, not speaking for my caucus, I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16,” Pelosi said when asked by the Daily Caller about her thoughts on the issue.
“I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school when they’re interested in all of this and learning about government to be able to vote.” she added.
“Some of the priorities in this bill are about transparency, openness, and accessibility, and the rest,” Pelosi continued.
“That’s a subject of debate and I would welcome it, but I’ve held this position for a long time.” she added.
House Democrats are pushing to lower the voting age to 16 and introduced an amendment to the “For The People Act” which would overhaul election and campaign finance laws.
H.R.1 was supported by the Democrats so they can have even more control over the voters and the complete voting process. H.R.1 managed to pass the Dem-controlled House, however, the amendment failed 126-305.
Recently, the D.C. Council passed a vote to introduce a bill that could lower the voting age to 16 in the nation’s capital. The bill would allow 16-year-old teens to vote in both federal and state elections.
The Democrat party’s target demographics are illegal aliens, young teens and welfare recipients because many hard working adult American taxpayers would not consider voting for their policies.