Susan Rice is desperate to be Joe Biden’s VP pick and she is showing her desperation. Rice is on the short-list and with calls for Biden to pick a minority woman she is on the shorter list.
She will have to go take it if she wants it and the way to do that is to trash Trump and his administration or raise money for Joe. Right now she is trashing President Trump but the former Obama staffer has access to deep pockets.
Appearing on MSNBC she played the game for Biden and called Trump’s administration racist to the core for three years, Nice, right?
From Breitbart: Mitchell said, “I want to ask you about this resignation. Unlike John Bolton, for instance, resigning, and making a lot of money, or Jim Mattis resigning and not explaining until later exactly why he was resigning, this was direct, it was personal, it names President Trump, it was specific.”
Rice said, “Well, I guess, Andrea, I would say better late than never. You know, to serve an administration which has been racist to its core for the last three-and-a-half years.
From comparing the peaceful protesters at Charlottesville to white supremacists, call white supremacists very fine people.
All the way through to the recent weeks where the administration has disparaged the Black Lives Matter movement, disparaged peaceful protesters, and made plain they prefer to stand by a Confederate legacy than a modern America.”
“It’s been an administration whose record on race is just disgraceful.”
“So while I respect the fact that belatedly this assistant secretary, Ms. Taylor, has recognized how unconscionable that is and decided she can no longer serve, what we’ve seen in recent days is not that different, frankly, than what we’ve seen over the course of the last three-and-a-half years.”