Democrat hopeful Rep. Rashida Tlaib just showed her Democrat hypocrisy in action and it is truly a disgrace. Rep. Tlaib went off on Ivanka Trump for condemning the attacks and for condemning white supremacism.
Rep. Tlaib trashed Ivanka and then went on to bash her father, President Trump. So we did a little experiment and checked her twitter timeline and nary a word about the Dayton shooter.
You know the guy who was a registered Democrat, a Warren supporter and a committed socialist. many wonder why she haven’t said a word a bout him.
The Daily Mail reported that U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib lashed out at Ivanka Trump on Sunday over Ivanka’s response to the gun massacres in El Paso and Dayton.
Rep. Tlaib – a member of the Democrat ‘Squad’ of progressives – criticized Ivanka’s father, President Donald Trump, saying he ‘incites violence’ with his rhetoric.
The 43-year-old Congresswoman’s remarks were made during a reply to the 37-year-old business woman and Trump surrogate’s tweet expressing her condolences for the mass shooting victims and their families.
Ivanka wrote: “As our nation mourns the senseless loss of life in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, and prays for the victims and their loved ones, we must also raise our voices in rejection of these heinous and cowardly acts of hate, terror and violence.”
“White supremacy, like all other forms of terrorism, is an evil that must be destroyed,” she added in an additional tweet.
But Rep. Rashida Tlaib disregarded Ivanka Trump’s message, saying: “Your prayers aren’t working.”
“Try checking your dad on his tweets. 251 mass shootings in the U.S. in 216 days. He incites violence every day w/ his hate agenda & racism. More people are dying because he fails to fight white supremacist terrorist,” she said.