One of President Ronald Reagan’s four children claimed that President Trump’s State of the Union speech would have made his late father very proud.
“My father would’ve stood and applauded Donald Trump‘s State of the Union address. Bravo,” Michael Reagan tweeted Wednesday.
During his remarks Tuesday, President Trump touted a strong U.S. economy and record low unemployment and vowed to protect private health insurance.
“Our roaring economy has, for the first time ever, given many former prisoners the ability to get a great job and a fresh start,” President Trump said.
He added; “This second chance at life is made possible because we passed landmark criminal justice reform into law. Everybody said that criminal justice reform couldn’t be done, but I got it done, and the people in this room got it done.”
Michael Reagan, 74, is the president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation and often shares tweets and statements from modern conservatives, the Washington Examiner reported.
Some media outlets have compared the two U.S. presidents. Trump said in 2018 that his achievements in office made him “far greater than Ronald Reagan.”
Another son of Ronald Reagan, 61-year-old Ron Reagan, said earlier this year that his father “would be ashamed” of President Trump.