Actress and sexual assault victims advocate Rose McGowan slammed the Washington Post and accused the publication of “victim shaming” Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade for political reasons.
Fox News reported that Rose McGowan, a victim of disgraced film mogul and convicted sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, found issues with a WaPo article headlined, “Sexual assault allegation by former Biden Senate aide emerges in campaign, draws denial.”
McGowan apparently feels the article doesn’t give a fair shake to Tara Reade, a former staffer for the then-senator who recently came forward with a 1993 assault claim against Biden.
“This is not journalism, this is an agenda. This is a hit piece. You’ve sunk to a new low in slanted journalism and victim shaming @WashingtonPost,” McGowan tweeted.
“As a survivor, the way you launched into this woman’s assault is truly vile,” McGowan added. “Your motto is ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness’ well I guess it’s dead because you are dark. Evil lives and it loves the DNC.”
The Washington Post reported that Reade “did not mention the alleged assault or suggest there was more to the story” when she previously told the paper that Joe Biden inappropriately touched her neck and shoulders and has said she “twice voted for the Obama-Biden ticket.”
“On Thursday, Reade filed a complaint with D.C. police,” the paper notes before writing, “Filing a false report is a crime punishable by up to 30 days in jail.”
The Washington Post also made a point to note that Reade’s therapist has not provided notes and Biden’s accuser once praised Russian President Vladimir Putin. McGowan apparently feels the story doesn’t take Reade seriously enough.
Mainstream media and #MeToo advocates have been accused of downplaying allegations against Biden. The post even invoked claims made against President Trump when exploring Biden’s situation.
“The former vice president has been accused of unwanted hugging and other physical contact, but The Post found no other allegations against him as serious as Reade’s. More than a dozen women, by contrast, have accused Trump of forced kissing, groping or sexual assault, and he has been recorded on audio boasting about grabbing women between their legs,” the Post wrote.