Ross Perot and President Donald Trump shared many things, most importantly, an anti-establishment political philosophy. The media is talking up this bond, but it was actually closer than most of us remember.
So it is not surprising that one of Ross Perot’s last political act was to donate to President Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign.
Fox News reported that in his last documented political act, billionaire and two-time presidential candidate Ross Perot wrote out two checks to President Trump’s re-election campaign before succumbing to his battle with leukemia at the age of 89, according to a report.
Ross Perot ran for president as a third-party candidate in 1992 and again in 1996. He was also largely credited with providing a road map for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
Just like President Trump, Ross Perot ran as a billionaire populist against the Republican establishment. His focus on the North American Free Trade Agreement – rather than the national debt – and his use of cable news for laying out his agenda were both familiar elements of President Trump’s campaign.
As Democratic strategist James Carville put it in a 2016 podcast: “If Donald Trump is the Jesus of the disenchanted, displaced non-college white voter, then Perot was the John the Baptist of that sort of movement.”
In March, Ross Perot wrote two checks of the maximum legal limit to President Trump’s re-election campaign, including next year’s general election, the Boston Globe reported.