This Thursday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders spoke about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s call to put a hold on the impeachment talks and suggested that more Democrats need to do the same and work with President Trump to improve the country instead.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders appeared on Fox News and made it clear that she believes moving forward with impeachment is a waste of time and managed to commend Pelosi on the move via a backhanded compliment.
“I think Nancy Pelosi is clearly already starting to lose control of her party. I think we’re seeing that on a lot of the things that have taken place over the last couple of weeks. I’m glad she sees what the rest of us see, and there’s no reason, no cause for impeachment. The president’s done an incredible job on his first two years in office, the country is better than its been in decades, and we’re actually making progress on a number of fronts.” said Sanders.
Despite what Democrats like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton may think, Americans have seen many improvements in their lives during Trump’s presidency.
This is one of the main reasons Sarah Huckabee Sanders believes that this means Democrats should stop focusing on impeachment.
“I think it’s time for other Democrats in Nancy Pelosi’s party to get on board, start doing what they were elected to do. Do their jobs and quit trying to focus so much on making excuses for the historic loss that they suffered in 2016. Let’s work with the president and solve some real problems.” she stated.
The White House press secretary made it clear that the average American is not as focused on impeaching the President and that Democratic lawmakers should follow what is working for the country.
“We’re focused on doing what the American people actually people care about, whether it’s growing the economy, creating jobs … defeating ISIS, rebuilding the military. These are things that people are sitting around in America that they actually care about,” said Sarah Sanders. “That’s because our country is doing better.”
Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ comments come after Nancy Pelosi told the Washington Post she opposes pursuing impeachment. Pelosi explained her decision by saying such a move would divide the country.