White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders slammed CNN’s April Ryan in an interview on Monday morning, taking aim at her “lopping the heads off” comments calling for her to be fired from her job as a “new low.”
Sarah Sanders appeared on “Fox & Friends” Monday morning and responded to Ryan’s demand of her being fired from her position as the president’s press secretary after she admitted that her claim in 2017 of “countless” FBI agents coming forward to denounce former FBI Director James Comey was false.
“You have to start and start lopping the heads off,” Ryan said on CNN Thursday. Here is the video of April Ryan’s comments:
“She should be let go. She should be fired. End of story. When there’s a lack of credibility there, you have to start, and you have to start lopping the heads off.” said Ryan.
The White House press secretary didn’t take too kindly to April Ryan’s comments, proclaiming that she has “had reporters say a lot of things about [her],” torching the political analyst’s demand as “a new low, even for the liberal media.”
“I have had reporters say a lot of things about me. They said I should be choked. They said I should deserve a lifetime of harassment, but certainly never had somebody say that I should be decapitated. This takes this to a new low even for the liberal media.” said Sanders.
“I think it just once again proves why this journalist is taken seriously,” the white house press secretary added.
Back on Thursday, Sarah Sanders admitted that she exaggerated her 2017 claim about the “countless” FBI agents that came forward to speak out against James Comey during an interview on Fox News.
The White House press secretary stated that the “countless” comment was a “slip of the tongue” while taking a shot at Comey, calling him a “disgraced leaker,” as previously reported.