Rep. Adam Schiff appeared on MSNBC Wednesday and slammed President Trump’s response to coronavirus, claiming that his delay in addressing the virus is having “catastrophic consequences.”
“Mitch McConnell said that he believes that the impeachment trial in the Senate slowed down the federal government’s response to the pandemic. What’s your response to that?” MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell asked.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell did say that impeachment distracted the government from responding to coronavirus.
“Yeah, the president said something similar, which, you know, was an interesting acknowledgment that the administration has screwed up this response,” Rep. Schiff said.
“And I think the facts are quite clear that the president’s weeks long, maybe months long delay in taking this seriously has had catastrophic consequences that we’re only now beginning to see the scope of.”
“But, they should stop making excuses,” the Democrat continued, as the Daily Caller reported. “The president found plenty of time even during the impeachment trial and its preparatory period to play golf, go on vacation at Mar-a-Lago, to do campaign rallies.”
“He clearly wasn’t distracted from doing the things he loves to do, but, the bigger problem is even after the trial was over, the president continued for weeks and weeks to say, ‘This is no problem. he’s got it under control. he’s got it contained, and that this isn’t going to have a big impact on the country.’”
“Of course, he was ignoring advice of the health experts, the epidemiologists, the CDC, his own people, and with catastrophic consequences,” he concluded.